Domínio do fato à brasileira: na prática, a teoria é outra - Uma análise da relação entre a denúncia genérica em crimes societários e a aplicação da teoria do domínio do fato, na jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça.
Doctrine of Command Responsibility - Case AP 470 STF - STJ Jurisprudence – Generic Charging Instrument - Corporate CrimesAbstract
This paper begins with an overview of the fundamental conceptions of the German
Doctrine of Command Responsibility with the objective to highlight the jurisprudence of the
Brazilian Superior Courts. The analytical perspective of this paper about the decisions of the
Brazilian Superior Courts is inaugurated with a view on the leading case AP n° 470 judged by
the Brazilian Supreme Court - STF. After this initial analysis, this investigation sheds light on
the problem of generic charging instrument and the difficulties of individualizing and proving
the criminal act executed in a commited corporate crime. A special attention is given to the
jurisprudence of the Brazilian Superior Court – STJ for the period 2019-2020 with an objective
to clarify whether in the jurisprudence of the STJ, the generic charging instrument of a corporate
crime and the Brazilian version of the Doctrine of Command Responsibility become or not the
same being endowed with two faces that works as a fast track to overcome evidentiary