Civil and criminal implications of patrimonial violence


  • Flávia Sanna Leal de Meirelles
  • Diogo Oliveira Muniz Caldas


Patrimonial violence is a problem of considerable relevance in Brazilian society. Although it is not an autonomous crime, and does not necessarily consist of a crime involving violence or serious threats against a person, the severity of its practice and the seriousness of its effects on the victim's life are undeniable. For this reason, this article aims to present an interdisciplinary approach to the subject, addressing the following question as a research problem: is the relevance of the legal asset of property
reflected in the way in which Civil Law and Criminal Law protect the issue related to patrimonial violence? Starting from the initial hypothesis that it is, the article addresses the civil liability of the agent for damage to property, property crimes in Brazilian penal codes up to the one currently in force, and patrimonial violence regulated by the Maria da Penha Law. Thus, the conclusion reached by this research is in the sense of confirming this hypothesis, since both legal branches analyzed determine
important sanctions for the agent who commits patrimonial violence. 


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How to Cite

Leal de Meirelles, F. S. ., & Muniz Caldas, D. O. . (2025). Civil and criminal implications of patrimonial violence. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 3(13), 81–98. Retrieved from