How to improve labor inspection related to gender discrimination


  • Roberto Wakahara


Although several surveys show that women have lower wages, higher unemployment rates and more difficulties in professional growth than men, there are few labor inspections that deal with gender discrimination. The article discusses how labor inspection can be improved on that matter. Criteria for the correct framing of the labor infraction are proposed, relating the proportion between candidates and approved according to each gender, whether for selection processes or for employee promotion. In addition to issuing the infraction notice, other mechanisms for dealing with the issue by the Labor Inspection are analyzed, such as the Term of Commitment, mediation and dialogue with other social actors such as unions and NGO’s
that defend women rights.


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How to Cite

Wakahara, R. . (2023). How to improve labor inspection related to gender discrimination. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 2(Especial), 202–223. Retrieved from