A autoria nos crimes contra o sistema financeiro e a teoria do domínio do fato / Authorship in crimes against the financial system and the fact domain theory


  • Ângelo Roberto Ilha da Silva


authorship in crimes against the financial system; authorship in white-collar crimes; theory of the domain of fact; theory of Hans Welzel; theory of Claus Roxin.


The article aims at proceeding to a brief approximation on the conception of authorship in Welzel's doctrine and in Roxin's doctrine to highlight the characteristics of each one of them. Following this, an analysis of the authorship in the systematic of the White-Collar Crimes Law and the possible application of the theories of the referred scholars to the mentioned law is made.


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How to Cite

Roberto Ilha da Silva, Ângelo . (2022). A autoria nos crimes contra o sistema financeiro e a teoria do domínio do fato / Authorship in crimes against the financial system and the fact domain theory. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 2(05), 24–43. Retrieved from https://rcpjm.cpjm.uerj.br/revista/article/view/122