Compliance and public tenders in law 14.133/2021: prevention, Accountability and efficiency in public procurement


  • Christiane da Silva Souza
  • Jairo Henrique de Oliveira Silva Fernandes Pereira


Public Compliance. Law n° 14.133/2021. Public tenders. Public contracts.


The article aims to discuss the application of integrity programs in public tenders, focusing on the innovations brought about by Law No. 14,133/2021. In this sense, it was observed that the compliance mechanisms implemented by the new law aim to promote greater transparency, ethics and efficiency in bidding processes. After reflecting on the need for an in-depth debate on the effectiveness of these measures in the fight against corruption and fraud, the conclusion is that it is necessary to improve oversight and the effective implementation of integrity programs, ensuring their effectiveness in public administration.


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How to Cite

da Silva Souza, C. ., & Silva Fernandes Pereira, J. H. de O. . (2025). Compliance and public tenders in law 14.133/2021: prevention, Accountability and efficiency in public procurement. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 3(13), 177–190. Retrieved from