Criminalidade econômica e segregação ocupacional por gênero: uma breve análise de casos e das condutas de mulheres nos crimes de organização criminosa e lavagem de capitais


  • Vanessa Borges Santos Machado
  • Humberto Tostes Ferreira


This article aims to show part of the debate about occupational segregation by gender and its influence on white collar crimes, verifying it by a brief case analysis. Therefore, present portion of the bibliography pertinent to the topic, that takes as foundation the feminist economics, and, to check this theoretical references, takes place a succinct and not exhausting examination of subpoenas trials made by TJRJ and TRF2, between 1/1/2018 and 2/12/2023, to find out the women participation, as well as the role they play, in criminal organizations and money laundering crimes.


This article aims to show part of the debate about occupational segregation by gender
and its influence on white collar crimes, verifying it by a brief case analysis. Therefore, present
portion of the bibliography pertinent to the topic, that takes as foundation the feminist
economics, and, to check this theoretical references, takes place a succinct and not exhausting
examination of subpoenas trials made by TJRJ and TRF2, between 1/1/2018 and 2/12/2023, to
find out the women participation, as well as the role they play, in criminal organizations and
money laundering crimes.


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How to Cite

Borges Santos Machado, V. ., & Tostes Ferreira, H. . (2023). Criminalidade econômica e segregação ocupacional por gênero: uma breve análise de casos e das condutas de mulheres nos crimes de organização criminosa e lavagem de capitais. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 2(06), 259–277. Retrieved from