Lobby: the dispute of public administration by the private sector


  • Emanuel Tomé Marcondes
  • Davi de Paiva Costa Tangerino


Lobby; Politics; Political Crimes; Representative system;


The article focuses on lobbying within the existing link between the public and
private sectors. In particular, lobbying understood as a tool for representing interests and
influencing decision-making by the public authorities. The exposition of the theme focuses on
what the practice of lobbying is, whether it can be harmful to the democratic society under the
rule of law, what its distinction is concerning the offenses of active corruption and influence
peddling, and, finally, what are the possible paths to be taken by scholars of the theme.


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How to Cite

Tomé Marcondes, E. ., & de Paiva Costa Tangerino, D. . (2023). Lobby: the dispute of public administration by the private sector. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 2(06), 167–191. Retrieved from https://rcpjm.cpjm.uerj.br/revista/article/view/202