
The Corporate Crimes and Compliance Research Center (CPJM) aims to promote scientific activities related to the study of and reflection on corporate crimes and criminal compliance, and Article 1 "c" of its Statute, approved by UERJ's School of Law, provides for the publication of scientific research on this subject.


Therefore, the CPJM Scientific Journal (ISSN: 2764-1899) has been launched, a non-profit publication, freely accessible on the Internet, published every four months (at first), dedicated to disseminating knowledge and scientific research on Criminal Law, White Collar and Corporate Crime, Criminal Compliance and related subjects.


It should be pointed out that our goal is to continue with the relevant mission of spreading knowledge through a democratic space for publishing ideas and scientific knowledge. We also intend to achieve the highest quality standards, contributing to the improvement of the academic field.


We hereby publish the CPJM Scientific Journal (RCPJM), Issue No. 12 - Call for Papers, in accordance with the criteria set out below:


ATTENTION: For submissions, the author must register on the SEER/OJS platform by accessing the CPJM Journal Portal ( ), clicking on the AUTHOR option and following the guidelines on the site. Any questions can be answered by sending a message to the journal's e-mail address ( ).


Art. 1º The R-CPJM, in charge of its publication, is welcoming contributions of scientific papers, empirical research reports, book reviews or interviews with renowned scientists for issue No. 12, due to be released in September 2024.


Art. 2º The Scientific Journal's topics for issue No. 12 are those for which the CPJM was created, i.e. studies and research on Criminal Law, White Collar and Corporate Crime, Criminal Compliance and related subjects


Art. 3º Contributions may be submitted until September 30, 2024.


Art. 4º Papers must be submitted exclusively online at the following address: . The author(s) must attach a biographical summary of no more than 100 words in the metadata of the submission, which must include title, institutional links and positions held.


Art. 5º The papers received will be forwarded to the Editorial Board, which will analyze, among other criteria, relevance and compatibility with the proposed subject, the sharpness of the content, the originality of the contribution and approach, and grammatical correctness, considering the responsibility of the author(s) with the adequacy and formatting of the texts to the rules set out in the R-CPJM Statute.


Art. 6º The Editorial Team will occasionally suggest changes to the selected work, with the purpose of improving and adapting the text for publication.


Art. 7º The total or partial reproduction of the paper or article is permitted, on the condition that the source is cited. There is no payment for publication.


Art. 8º Simply sending the text for selection implies authorization to publish.


Art. 9º The author(s) will be notified if the material is rejected for publication.


Art. 10º Texts must be at least 10 pages long and no more than 25 pages long, observing the spelling of the language or foreign language presented.


Art. 11º As part of the submission process, the author(s) are required to check the conformity of the text with the requirements of the §§ of this Article. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the author(s).


  • 1: The contribution must be original and unpublished, and not under evaluation for publication by another journal; otherwise, justification must be given in "Comments to the editor".
  • 2: The file must be sent in .doc or .docx format (Windows environment, most up-to-date version); Times New Roman font; 12 point font; 1.5 line spacing; justified paragraphs with a 2 cm indent on the first line; 2.5 cm on the top and bottom margins and 3 cm on the right and left margins; A4 size, with titles and subtitles in upper case and centered.
  • 3: Articles must contain: (1) a title, (2) an abstract (of up to 200 words), (3) up to five keywords, (4) an introduction, (5) the body of the work with free development, (6) a conclusion, (7) notes (optional), and (8) bibliographical references.
  • 4: The first page must contain the title of the work, the full name of the author(s), the institution to which they are affiliated and the position(s) held.
  • 5: All citations must contain a bibliographic reference. Citations must comply with the rules set out in NBR 10520.
  • 6: Bibliographical references must appear at the end of the text, with the author's last name in upper case and in alphabetical order;


Art. 12º  The decisions of the Editorial Board are sovereign, in accordance with the principle of scientific-university autonomy.

Sole paragraph. Omissions will be decided by the Editorial Board


Rio de Janeiro, July 08, 2024.


Editorial Team