The prision progression of economic crimes: examining the role of the Supreme Court and the legality principle


  • Felipe Lima de Almeida


Sentencing Progression – Economic Crimes – Penal Enforcement – Federal Supreme Court – Judicial Activism – Principle of Legality.


This article undertakes an analysis of the criteria established by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) for the progression of sentences for individuals convicted of economic crimes within the purview of its original jurisdiction. The primary focus of this analysis is the judgment rendered in the Interlocutory Appeal concerning the Progression of Regime in EP 12. The study examines key aspects of this framework, including the definition of economic crimes, the role of fines, the principles of the
progressive penitentiary system, and the classification of prison regimes. Furthermore, the article critically assesses the STF's role in shaping this framework, examining its actions in relation to the principle of legality.


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How to Cite

Lima de Almeida, F. . (2025). The prision progression of economic crimes: examining the role of the Supreme Court and the legality principle. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 3(13), 160–176. Retrieved from