The right to the dignity of animal life as necessary limit to the absolute freedom to act in religious cults


  • Pedro Eularino Teixeira Simão


animal sacrifice in religious services; reflection on the possibility of imposing limits on the absolute freedom to act in religious services; right to Dignity of animal life.


The main objective of this Article is to encourage a broad debate in Brazilian Society on the possibility of imposing limits on the absolute freedom to act in religious cults, specifically with regard to the practice of animal sacrifice rituals. To reach the central point of the legal controversy, the understanding of the Federal Supreme Court on the aforementioned topic will be mentioned, as well as the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court in situations involving cruelty towards animals. From then on, there is a need for greater reflection on guaranteeing the animal's right to Dignity of life.


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How to Cite

Teixeira Simão, P. E. . (2025). The right to the dignity of animal life as necessary limit to the absolute freedom to act in religious cults. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 3(13), 122–144. Retrieved from