The right to work for women in situation of domestic violence


  • Ana Cecília de Oliveira Bitarães


Fundamental right to work; Violence against women; Care; gender equality.


This article aims to demonstrate the importance of the right to decent work for women in situations of domestic and family violence. In the introduction, an analysis was made of the condition of women as “the other” in society, based on the theory of Simone de Bevouir. Then, the reasons why women face difficulties to enter the labor market were analyzed. Subsequently, a legal analysis of the rights guaranteed in the Maria da Penha law was made. Finally, the importance of guaranteeing the fundamental right to decent work in contexts of domestic violence was analyzed, bringing characteristics and examples of actions by the executive, legislative and judicial branches.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Bitarães, A. C. . (2023). The right to work for women in situation of domestic violence. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 2(Especial), 326–343. Retrieved from