The use of artificial intelligence to produce information or evidence in the investigation of bidding crimes


  • Marcelo Rodrigues da Silva Torricelli
  • Gabriela Carr Furlan


: Information elements. Evidence. Artificial intelligence. Bidding Crimes. Defense.


Currently, artificial intelligence has been implemented in various sectors of human life. Undoubtedly, in the current state of the art, it is absolutely impossible to uncouple human beings from machines, since both are inseparably linked, which is why the law must be adapted to modern reality, including within the scope of criminal law and criminal procedure. Inexorably, artificial intelligence has already shown very good results, due to its precision and time savings, in fact, there are striking examples where this technology has brought benefits, on the other hand, it must be explored with caution when in the field of criminal law, especially due to the its interference with the individual's status libertatis. The scope of this article is to analyze the use of artificial intelligence by bodies controlling bidding processes and public contracts, which share audit findings with criminal prosecution bodies, as well as to investigate whether the aforementioned technology violates the fundamental rights of those being investigated/accused. , and if so, whether there were safeguards so that, in particular, the right of defense can be effectively exercised. In the end, through the case study, we intend to demonstrate in practice some of the problems raised during the work.



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How to Cite

Rodrigues da Silva Torricelli, M. ., & Carr Furlan, G. . (2023). The use of artificial intelligence to produce information or evidence in the investigation of bidding crimes. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 2(08), 202–218. Retrieved from