Private corruption, football and the General Sports Law: the predicted failure in promoting managerial-sporting fair play in the homeland of football boots.


  • Vlamir Costa Magalhães


Private corruption – sports-business governance – General Sports Law – economic crime.


This paper analyzes the crime of private corruption in sports, which was provided for by Law n. 14.597, of June 14, 2023 (General Sports Law). Based on sociological and economic data, the study substantiates the affirmation of brazilian football as an intangible legal asset that is part of the people's cultural heritage given its historical role as a locus of combat against socio-racial discrimination. Finally, a critical analysis of the General Sports Law is presented with regard to the criminal protection of fair play (honesty and transparency) in sports-business governance.


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How to Cite

Costa Magalhães, V. . (2023). Private corruption, football and the General Sports Law: the predicted failure in promoting managerial-sporting fair play in the homeland of football boots. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 2(08), 83–100. Retrieved from